♡ How long do BKindLashes last? : They can last up to 12+ wears and several hours.

♡ Are BKindlashes actually mink? Yes, they are true premium mink.

♡ Are BKindLashes cruelty-free?: We ask that you do extensive research on mink eyelashes and inform yourself. Often times, a lot of eyelash companies will lie to their customers concerning how mink eyelashes are obtain. We do believe in being authentic to our customers as much as possible. However, we ask that you if you do not support the production of mink eyelashes, we do have faux mink eyelashes that are actually proven to be cruelty-free.

♡ Can BKindLashes be cleaned? : Yes, they can with proper maintenance and care. We recommend that you remove your lashes the preferred method or with a Q tip and some makeup remover. Once the makeup remover has soften the glue on the lashes, peel the remaining glue off the lash band and gently rinse with water.

♡Does BKindLashes include glue with their lashes? No, we do not. Although, we do offer lash glue to purchase.